Nicholas Collier is an impassioned, talented young director with a special interest in screenwriting. His keen eye for impactful visual storytelling and ability to deeply know the emotional cues necessary to engage an audience have helped him succeed in translating scripts to the silver screen. Nicholas is an abundantly creative artist with immense respect for film as an art from. He has an innate ability to capture the artistic heart of the film while still captivating a wide audience and making work that is relatable.
He’s a director with sharp focus and a clear vision who facilitates a cohesive and enjoyable experience for actor and crew alike. He is intensely passionate about making art that sparks curiosity and emotion in the viewer. A film that leaves the audience saying, “who cares?” is no film at all.
Collier’s leadership style on set is one that initiates creativity, ingenuity, and collaboration among those who work with him. He understands the importance of a cohesive crew in order to create the best work possible. He firmly believes that the best idea wins and embodies the motto that a “rising tide raises all ships.”
When Nicholas is not in the director’s chair you will find him editing a project or writing a new script. Efficient in both Avid, Premier, and Final Cut Pro editing software, Collier has exhibited skill in the editing room.
Nicholas attended York University in Toronto, Canada. He graduated top of his class from the Fiction Director’s Program and was nominated for Best Director and Best Screenplay for his work on films As Above So Below & Mountain Men Don’t Cry which he both wrote and directed. His latest work, Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness, has also been nominated for best director, best screenplay and was nominated for the Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival. His experience makes him desirable for work on commercials and music videos as both director and overall visionary. His work ethic and leadership ensure clients a prudent and prosperous outcome.